Rustam A. Lukmanov
Correlation graph from measured inclusions


This image describes a structural organization of chemical signals measured from quartz (SiO2) mineral. PDF TL;DR The thesis describes ways of improving signal quality of the novel, highly miniature mass-spectrometer designed and developed for operations in space (e.g., Moon, Mars, Europa). The improvements include hardware modifications, implementation of various computational approaches for better signal recovery, and summarizes future development directions. The results section is presented with 7 peer-reviewed publications, covering different aspects of ion generation, signal processing and data exploration using graph-networks and ML (see publications for a full list of published articles)....

August 23, 2021 · 1 min · Rustam A. Lukmanov
Correlation graph from measured inclusions

Towards empirical biosignatures using LIMS

Ion yields measured from the two-entity inclusion extracted from the chemical depth profile. Color groupings identifies elements with high affinity (i.e., CH-rich kerogen and silicate chert. Molecular ions loosely connected on the sides identifies the plasma chemistry byproducts originated on the way to the detector. Second image - decision borderlines on PCA reduced spectra. Paper / PDF TL;DR In this paper we present: weighted mass correlation networks (WMCN) identified for inclusions in the bulk of the analyte material sliding window centrality measure and a divergence of the modularity score on spots with more that one chemical entities present kernel density estimation on ion-intensity regions for specific compounds Van-Krevelen metric for organic vs....

March 23, 2021 · 1 min · Rustam A. Lukmanov
Correlation graph from measured inclusions

ORIGIN: a novel and compact Laser Desorption – Mass Spectrometry system

In this paper we show that with our new mass spectrometry system we can detect very low abundances of organic molecules. To be precise - in the femtomole/mm-2 range - which is a billionth of a millionth (10-15) of a mole (however, it’s still quite a lot of molecules!) Paper / PDF TL;DR In this paper we present: a description of a novel analytical technique for the detection of extremely low concentrations of amino acids called ORIGIN, a compact and lightweight laser desorption ionization – mass spectrometer designed and developed for in situ space exploration missions....

June 30, 2020 · 1 min · Rustam A. Lukmanov



Lukmanov R.A.