Rustam A. Lukmanov / 08.09.1992

I regard myself as an orderly, cooperative and curious person. I have a diverse background in analytical techniques and computational methods, that I believe are applicable and transferable for a wide range of problems. Interested in progress and building things. I’ve got the “Shaper” archetype from Ray Dalio’s test on PrinciplesYou. Have an open-minded approach to life and positive attitude towards future.


Feel free to contact me: mail at rustam-lukmanov dot ru, or use the contact form


  • 2023–now, Assistant Professor, AI Institute, Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia

  • 2021–2022, Postdoctoral Researcher, Space Research and Planetary Sciences, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland. Development of spectral classification tools/models for unsupervised characterization of compounds measured with space-type and high-resolution laboratory-based fs-LIMS (review article about LIMS technology) instruments.

  • 2017–2021, Teaching Associate, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland. Introductory physics seminars/laboratory assignments for bachelor students (4-6h/week).

  • 2015–2017, Engineer Geophysicist, Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI), Saint Petersburg, Russia. Multiplexing regional geophysical data for the construction of geological maps. 3D reconstructions from archived seismic data (regional level - thousands of sq.km), interpretation of seismic, magnetic, and gamma-ray data.

  • 2014, Field Geophysicist, Seismoshelf, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. 3D seismic exploration survey conducted on the Tuloma river (Murmansk region) for the railway bridge construction. Sensor grid positioning using the differential GPS (DGPS). High-frequency seismic signal generation on the grid of ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS).


  • 2017–2021, PhD in Physics - Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland.

    Thesis – “Characterization of bio-organic and inorganic chemistries using Laser-based Mass Spectrometry”.
    Investigation of the chemical composition of Precambrian samples using Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometer. Development of graph-based spectral classification tools/models for unsupervised characterization of large, non-linear and high-dimensional chemical data measured with space-type and high-resolution laboratory-based fs-LIMS.

  • 2015–2017, MSc in Geophysics - Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
    Thesis – “Local spectroscopic studies of the Iron oxidation state in mantle spinels”. Investigation of the iron oxidation state in mantle spinels using x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy (XANES), Mössbauer spectroscopy and Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA). Implementation of the spectral decomposition techniques for extraction of the iron oxidation state from the mantle spinel and synthetic samples.

  • September 2011 – July 2015, BSc in Geophysics - Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.

    Thesis – “High-frequency seismic tomography across Tuloma river”. Calculation of the volumetric reflection map from the seismic data cube. Construction of the interpretation map form the speed distributions and refractory parameters of the investigated area.